Kent Fire and Rescue Service

Kent Fire and Rescue Service (KFRS) is always ready to respond to a range of emergencies, including fires, road crashes, and water rescues. But there’s also lots of work that goes on behind the scenes to help keep people safe and prevent incidents from happening in the first place. Local councils can help KFRS by sharing safety messages with communities, and sign posting people to access free services. 

Kent Fire and Rescue Service, Fire prevention advice for premises.


Following recent scenes of violent disorder in some parts of the UK, at Kent Fire and Rescue Service we are providing advice to premises on simple steps that can be taken to reduce the risk of fire in their buildings.

We continue to work closely with Kent Police and other agencies to plan for and respond to any potential disorder. However, we believe it is timely to provide you with guidance to protect your premises from fire:

  1. Carry out / review your fire risk assessment in which you identify and mitigate potential fire hazards.

  2. Ensure fire detection systems and other active fire safety systems are operating effectively by carrying out regular maintenance and tests. Any defects should be fixed so these are in working order.

  3. Ensure escape routes are clear so that occupants can quickly evacuate in the event of a fire.

  4. Remove waste materials and other items which could be used as fuel for any fires being set - especially if stored outside of your premises.

  5. Store rubbish securely within the boundaries of your premises.

  6. Ensure your staff know what to do in the event of a fire. Refresh fire safety training and evacuation procedures.

Get more fire prevention information, including advice on carrying out fire risk assessments.

In the event of a fire, call 999 and follow the fire evacuation procedures for your building.